Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(321) 253-6323

About Me

For twenty seven years I owned and operated a successful business that employed over fifty people.  In 1999 I sold my business, moved back down to Florida from Michigan, and entrusted my financial future to other "experts".  In 2002 after suffering a great loss I began to realize they were more interested in making money themselves rather than looking after my assets and helping me achieve my goals.  As I began to take charge of my own accounts with some success, I thought I could do this for others.

My first step into the financial world was in the insurance field.  In 2004 I was promoted to the position of Regional Manager for a Health and Life Insurance Company, and my area of oversight was the entire State of Florida.

My goal is and always has been to treat all of my clients as family.  I'm proud to admit because of my commitment to service and personal interest, my family has grown!

My wife and two adult children live here in Florida and we love this area, the state and certainly the weather!

In 2010 my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Like everyone, we never thought anything like this would happen to us.  This tragedy has reinforced my commitment to help everyone I speak with to plan for the future and prepare for the unexpected.

I'm happy to report that she is doing well and because of the personal planning we did she was able to get the best care possible without devastating us financially.  My best wish for everyone is that you never have to experience anything like this, but if you do, hopefully you have a plan and are prepared.

Please let me look over your situation just to make sure!